婕斯的產品從來沒有號稱經美國FDA核准。在美國FDA法規中, 膳食補充劑和化妝品並不需要經FDA核准。所以Reserve白藜蘆醇沛泉精華(隸屬於膳食補充劑)與Luminesce賦活精華露(隸屬於化妝品)上市並不需要FDA核准。 然而, 公司產品都是從經過FDA註冊認可並查驗合格的實驗室所研發生產出來的。
以下為FDA對膳食補充劑和化妝品法規原文 :
FDA does not approve cosmetics.
Examples of cosmetics are perfumes, makeup, moisturizers, shampoos, hair dyes, face and body cleansers, and shaving preparations.
Cosmetic products and ingredients do not require FDA approval before they go on the market, with one exception: color additives (other than coal tar hair dyes.) Cosmetics must be safe for their intended use and properly labeled.
FDA field investigators inspect cosmetic companies, examine imports, and collect samples for analysis. FDA may take action against non-compliant products, or against firms or individuals who violate the law.
FDA does not approve dietary supplements.
Unlike new drugs, dietary supplements are not reviewed and approved by FDA based on their safety and effectiveness. Most dietary supplements that contain a new dietary ingredient (a dietary ingredient not marketed in the United States before October 15, 1994) require a notification to FDA 75 days before marketing.
The notification must include the information that was the manufacturer or distributor's basis for concluding that the dietary supplement will reasonably be expected to be safe. After dietary supplements are on the market, FDA evaluates their safety through research and adverse event monitoring.
1997年,通過「1997年食物及藥物管理局現代化法(Food and Drug Administration Modenization Act 1997),加速批審膳食補充品的健康效果聲稱。根據這些相關法案,膳食補充品製造商有責任檢查其產品的安全及確定產品的宣稱是否屬實,故其產品在推出市場前,無需先經過食物及藥品管理局的覆查及批准其所含成分。不過,若製造商欲推出在1994年前未曾在美國銷售的食物成分,則必須在推出銷售前「通知」食品及藥物管理局,即在預定產品推出市場前至少75天遞交有關安全的資料,定義若按照產品標籤建議的服用方法,新的食物成分不會構成嚴重或不合理的風險,亦不會使服用者致病或健康受損。食品及藥物管理局會在接獲廠商提交的資料90天後,公開資料讓民眾查閱。
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